John Henry James
John Henry James was accused of assaulting a white woman and was arrested and jailed. But before he could be brought to trial, a white mob lynched James. No one was ever charged for his murder.
In 2018, soil was collected from the area of James’ lynching and over 100 Charlottesville citizens made a pilgrimage by bus to deliver the soil to the Equal Justice Initiative and the National Memorial for Peace and Justice, the nation's first memorial dedicated to the victims of racial terror lynchings.
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The Lynching of John Henry James.-
Read the report by the Equal Justice Initiative (EJI) about the dedication of this marker. Also: "On this day - July 12, 1898: 150 Unmasked White Men Lynch John Henry James in Virginia" - published by the EJI.
"Historical marker unveiled for lynching victim John Henry James" published in Charlottesville Tomorrow, July 15, 2019.
MLA citation for this page:
Beloved Community Cville. “John Henry James.”, 1 Oct. 2024, Accessed {date, month, year}.
Jefferson School
Johnny Reb statue